This tour focuses on the 101st Airborne Division jumps, landings and objectives in Normandy on June 6, 1944.
Sainte-Mère-Eglise : made famous in the 1962 movie The Longest Day, find out the real history of the first town liberated by the Americans on DDay. Highly symbolic for both the Allies and the French, it is also the perfect place to tell you about the French perspective. A complete presentation of the Airborne operations will also be explained. Also the landing place of Dick Winters and a few other men of Easy Co.
Beuzeville au Plain : a monument commemorates the crash of the C47 that was transporting Lt. Meehan, commander of Easy Company. Listen to Meehan's last words to his wife in a moving letter.
Marmion Farm : an interesting farm, right off the coast north of Utah exit 4, where a daring attack of a handful of paratroopers took place. Some of the most famous and earliest photos of the paratroopers were taken there.
Brecourt Manor : made famous in episode 2 of Band of Brothers, the strategy developped by Dick Winters will be presented along with maps.
As we drive through the countryside, discover the terrain, the bocage and its hedgerows, why and how they happened to be centuries ago, how they impacted the movement of the American troops. Find out about the marshlands, visualize the different drop zones and landing zones, and find out about the strategic importance of the paratroopers.
Utah Beach : as with Omaha Beach, a full presentation of the situation at Utah Beach will be explained in details, and you will understand how and why the paratroopers were a strategic element in the landings of the 4th US Infantry Division.
Sainte Marie du Mont : of crucial importance on DDay, this village rests half way between Utah Beach and the N13. Learn of its liberation and understand its tactical significance. This is were Easy Co. spent their first night.
Angoville au Plain : a small church on Drop Zone D where two medics of the 101st AB tended to the wounded, regardless of the side they were fighting for. A haven of mercy in the midst of the battle.
Carentan : a more complex operation that required the whole division to be completed over the course of a week. We will make our way along Purple Heart Lane and finish in the town center while stopping several times to allow you to understand the stakes and actions.
In your best interest, the order of the sites may vary slightly. The sites remain the same. Time permits, we will add more sites to this tour.